Can you think of anything more iconic Australian than lamingtons? I mean other than say, thongs, XXXX Gold, Paul Hogan and snags on a BBQ. Nope, I couldn’t either. It’s just one of those things isn’t it. A classic Australian dish that just lends itself to a good cup of Bushells tea (OK, I think I’m over doing the aussie-ness now huh!). Incredibly I couldn’t tell you the last time I got to eat a lamington but that’s all changed now, because finally I have created a delicious and easy Gluten Free Lamingtons recipe that you’re just going to love.
I have been craving gluten free lamingtons for I don’t know how long now. So I cannot tell you how excited I was to finally be making these. In fact, this is my first foray into the world of lamingtons, gluten or not. I may of been a little bit intimated.
Enter the good old CWA Cook Book!
My copy of the CWA Cook Book happens to be the 31st edition, printed in 1976, however the copyright goes back to 1936. For those of you that don’t know the CWA is the Country Women’s Association and is practically an institution out here. And I mean really, does the CWA not go hand in hand with lamingtons? I swear every bake sale I’ve ever been to has had them there!
This gorgeous old tattered version of the cookbook is so cool. I often find myself just flicking through it when I’m looking for inspiration on what to try next. Because who doesn’t need to know how to cook a wedding breakfast for 100 people! Or how to whip up rissoles made from tinned meat! (really???!!!)
But the principals of the CWA are what truly get me. They have these passages in the front pages and all of them just warm my heart. I wanted to share my favourite passage with you before getting into the recipe.
So long as there are homes to which men turn at close of day,
So long as there are homes where children are, and women stay,
If love and loyalty and faith be found across those sills,
A stricken nation can recover from its greatest ills.So long as there are homes where fires burns, and there is bread,
So long as there are homes where lamps are lit, and prayers are said,
Although a people falter through the dark, and nations grope,
With God Himself back of these little homes we have sure hope.
It’s with these words swirling in my head that I decided to tamper with one of Australia’s greatest dishes. I know, right? What was I thinking. But hey, we Coeliac’s and Glutards can’t always miss out! So without further a do here are my Gluten Free Lamingtons.
Ignore what you already know about sponges and treating them with a light hand. We want light and fluffy clouds of batter here, so whip it… whip it good!
Ignore my half hazard attempt at slicing them up, I may have been taste testing a fair bit first!
You want your chocolate icing to be quite runny, otherwise you’ll be pasting the stuff on. Plus it really is a messy job!
Ensure a thorough coating of desiccated coconut by rolling them around and patting them into the chocolate icing!
Served with strawberry jam and whipped cream, these gluten free Lamingtons are the perfect afternoon treat!
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