There’s nothing quite like a classic bite of rocky road, it happens to be a particular favourite of mine, but I always feel very naughty afterwards. It must be something to do with all that marshmallow! Either way I tend to reserve making it only on special occasions. One such occasion happens to be Easter! Oh and low and behold, it is Easter! So I thought why not knock up a batch or two and make as gifts. Whether it’s for a special occasion or just because, you can now enjoy that classic Australian recipe Gluten Free Rocky Road!
The great thing about Rocky Road is it’s just so versatile, you can literally swap in and out any ingredients that you like or don’t like and it really is so easy to make gluten free. It’s also super easy to make dairy free if need be! So if you’d like to make a yummy edible gift for a gluten free friend, or well, yourself? Why not give this a try, you really can’t go wrong.
What is Australian Gluten Free Rocky Road?
You may have noticed I keep saying Australian Gluten Free Rocky Road. Well there’s a reason for it. The ingredients for rocky road have always varied from country to country. In Australia you’d typically see milk chocolate filled with marshmallows, desiccated coconut, glace´ cherries, nuts and Turkish delight. Where as in the UK you are more likely to see milk chocolate, biscuits and marshmallow with a touch of icing sugar sprinkled over top. In the US you’ll only find rocky road ice cream with a swirl of marshmallow through it. So they’re all rather different!
For me though, it’s all about those classic Aussie treats I grew up with that I can no longer eat. (Yes hello Tim Tams, I’m definitely lookin’ at you). So I thought a simple take on the Aussie rocky road would be just the ticket for an easy and delectable treat. Enter my Classic Gluten Free Rocky Road.
Mix and Match to your Taste!
The really wonderful thing about rocky road, Australian or not, is you can mix and match the extra goodies inside to match your tastes! As long as it’s got a nice marshmallowy center and coconut flavour, you can essentially then add whatever you like. I always like to add a nice crunch, so nuts are a must have. I tend to use whatever I’ve got laying around the pantry! Today I had hazelnuts, which are fantastic as they give you a little hint of that Nutella sort of flavour.
Next I add freeze dried raspberries. Now this is not your average ingredient found in Coles or Woollies. But they are definitely worth hunting down, trust me, they will completely elevate your gluten free rocky road to a whole other level! You’ll find them in select cake decorating stores or gourmet grocers. But if that’s not your thing that’s OK, you can just as easily use glaze cherries for a more classic flavour or even GF jelly lollies to add that sweet, juicy texture.
A Note on Marshmallows
If you’re new to this gluten free life then you’re likely still learning about the joys of ingredients list reading. But even if you’re a pro you might not be aware that glucose syrup derived from wheat is so heavily processed that it is in fact gluten free! You can find more out about glucose syrup and Coeliac Australia’s stance on it here. If you’re still worried though, or have a wheat allergy (different from Coeliac disease) then look for American style marshmallows from Big W or IGA, they are made with corn syrup instead! There’s even some new really delicious Gluten Free marked marshmallows from Woollies which I actually prefer to Pascalls.
(A quick note on Pascalls: In 2020 they confirmed their gluten free by ingredient marshmallows are actually prepared on the same lines as other gluten containing lollies. This is a massive contamination issue and a risk if you have Coeliac. So Pascall marshmallows are not in fact gluten free.)
Since I made this batch of gluten free rocky road as Easter presents, I decided to take it up another level and make some sweet little rocky road Easter eggs! You simply melt an additional 100g of chocolate with 2tsp coconut oil in the microwave and coat the inside of some Easter egg chocolate molds like these ones here. Allow them to set in the fridge while you prepare your rocky road, then when ready you can spoon it in and squish it down a little. Simple and seriously cute!

There you have it my simple Classic Gluten Free Rocky Road. A treat for any day of the year, but especially nice at Easter when it just doesn’t feel so naughty.
Why not even give it a bit of an Easter twist with the addition of some solid egg chocolates? Or even some Cadbury Creme Eggs for a truly decadent treat?!! Hmmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Don’t forget to share all of your gluten free baking wins with me over on Instagram and tag me @champagneandgumboots #champagneandgumbootsbakes
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